California Immigrant Resilience Fund

Last Updated on August 22, 2023 by Hannah Stevens

Frequently Asked Questions

How does this fund connect with the $75 million from the State of California?

CIRF, a separate entity but complementing entity, disburses private contributions to assist undocumented Californians get through the economic hardship during this pandemic. However, CIRF is part of a private-public partnership with California state. They created a separate immigrant relief fund, the first of its kind in the country, which disbursed $75M to 150,000 immigrant families in need.

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How much of the funds raised have gone out to immigrant individuals and families?

CIRF has distributed more than $43 million raised directly to immigrants in need. And, over $7 million in aligned funding has also been sent out to immigrant households throughout California. Along with the other donations they continue to receive, they are currently disbursing MacKenzie Scott’s $25 million gift.

Did you read our article about the UndocuFund?

How is the cash assistance distributed?

Nearly 60 immigrant-friendly organizations distribute cash assistance throughout the state. These local partners then vet and identify applicants to receive cash assistance.

How do immigrants apply?

Eligible immigrants can apply through our local partners. Given the devastating economic impact of COVID-19 on undocumented communities, many of our local partners have long waiting lists and may not be accepting new applications for assistance at this time.

El Fondo de Resiliencia solamente ofrece asistencia financiera a través de organizaciones comunitarias locales. El coronavirus ha devastado communidades indocumentados. Muchas de las organizáciones con que trabajamos ya tienen listas de espera por las peticiones para el fondo de efectivo gratis y varios no están aceptando nuevas peticiónes para ayuda.

How much does each individual or family receive?

Every local relief fund determines the amount based on local realities.

How do you decide the amount each region receives?

The undocumented immigrant population of each region is the basis for the allocation formula. They also consider other factors, including the availability of other relief funds and community resources, contributions that have been designated by donors for specific regions, as well as the possibility to leverage funding and partner with other efforts.

Why do you need a special fund for undocumented immigrants?

Undocumented immigrants, unlike others who lost their jobs due to COVID-19, will not be eligible for federal aid as part of the stimulus package. They also won’t be eligible for unemployment and most other state safety-net programs, despite having paid $7 billion in federal, state, and local taxes each year.

Aren’t other funds helping them?

The Fund fills a critical need. As of April 7, Philanthropy California has identified that of the 60+ funds approximately 80% intend to support nonprofit groups, and only 14% specifically mention a focus on immigrants. Most of the funds will not provide cash assistance directly to those in greatest need.

You should also look at the article we have about the Angel Fund in California.

Is my donation tax deductible?

Your donation to the Tides Foundation, a 501(c)(3) organization, and is tax-deductible to the extent permitted by law. The tax identification number of Tides is 51-0198509.

What are the Fund’s overhead costs?

The Tides Foundation’s fee for fiscal management is less than 1%.

Who is overseeing the fund?

The Tides Foundation offers fiscal management of every contribution made to the Fund. It serves as a philanthropic partner and nonprofit accelerator committed to building a world of shared social justice and prosperity. Tides is a trusted partner of innovative foundations in grantmaking, collaboration, capacity building, strategic thinking. Tides has been instrumental in helping some of the most important foundations around the globe achieve their goals. CIRF was founded and incubated initially by Grantmakers Concerned with Immigrants and Refugees (GCIR).