Last Updated on August 22, 2023 by Hannah Stevens
Parents with twins face many challenges from the beginning. Thus, considering grants is also an important decision for parents with twin students. In addition, tuition, room and board, fees, transportation, as well as other college expenses tax higher education budgets for a lot of students. The following are of the grants available to parents of twins:
The Illinois Organization of Mothers of Twins Clubs
They award four grants or scholarships to parents of twins who wish to continue their education annually. Scholarships are usually valued at $300 (one) and $100 (three).
This is similar to the Twins Clubs that are one of the Grants for Parents with Twins in Massachusetts.
Twinsburg, Ohio
For families with special multiples (twins), they hold an annual Twins Day Festival. Therefore, each year, a pair or twins is awarded a $1,000 scholarship. The winning pair must also be high school seniors.
Northwest Association Mother of Twins Clubs
Scholarships are awarded to multiple-birth candidates annually. These awards are also available to twins who are members of the NWAMOTC. The amount of funding available, however, varies from one year to the next.
This is similar to the Twins Clubs that are one of the Grants for Parents with Twins in Ohio.
Massachusetts Mothers of Twins Association
They award scholarships to eligible members of the organization. So, the supplemental awards are open to twins or mothers of twins. Funding can also be used to pay tuition, camp, daycare, and other schooling expenses. This normally consists of one $500 award and two $250 awards. Deadline for applications is April 15th.
Additional Scholarship Available for Twins
Lake Erie College in Ohio
Full-tuition scholarships are available for full-time college students who are twins. Thus, the full-ride is divided 50/50 between the twins.
Wilson College in Pennsylvania
Annually, they provide scholarships for one set of twins and one set of triplets. Each twin is awarded a scholarship equal to 45% of tuition costs.
Northeastern Oklahoma A&M College
This provides a valuable benefit that lowers the cost of higher education for qualified twins. The Twin Value Room Waivers also provide two-for-one housing allowances for twins who attend the university together.
You now have a variety of grants for parents. It is up to you to decide which option will best suit your needs and ease your financial burden. Every state also receives funds from the federal government to support child care assistance programs. These programs can be called using other names, like vouchers, subsidy, fee assistance, or any other specific program name. Check your state’s website for childcare assistance to determine if you are eligible.